Caitlin Hamilton Marketing & Publicity
Promotion for books, authors, publishers, and literary organizations.

Tammy Flanders Hetrick has calendars available that are based on her "big hearted"* novel, STELLA ROSE. Watch for information on her website,  
here. (*Shelf Awareness for Readers)
Did you love LITTLE WOMEN? Don't miss Jeannine Atkins's fabulous novel, LITTLE WOMAN IN BLUE: A Novel of May Alcott, which has earned super reviews.
LUM by Libby Ware gets high marks from Atlanta Magazine, which called it " . . . a startlingly good debut novel." 

Susan Johnson Hadler continues to bring in SRO crowds for events for her remarkable memoir, THE BEAUTY OF WHAT REMAINS, which is about how she reunited a family torn apart for four generations.

A round of applause for Kim Church on winning the Crook's Corner Prize!
Chizi's Tale: The True Story of an Orphaned Black Rhino is received an Honorable Mention in the Foreword Magazine IndieFab Children's Picture Book of the Year Award!
Check out Lynn Sloan's play list on LargeHearted Boy! Lynn was recently featured in The Chicago Tribune's Printer's Row Journal.

Bishop O'Connell's new novel, THE FORGOTTEN, is out from Harper Voyager. We love this series!

Tom Turner's crime thriller, PALM BEACH NASTY (The Permanent Press) earned a great Booklist review, among others. Check out his events at mystery conferences and in Florida!

Congratulations to Ann Weisgarber for having THE PROMISE selected as this year's Gulf Coast Read!
Caitlin is quoted in an article on Publisher's Weekly's BookLife about developing blog tours:
Congratulations to Ann Weisgarber, author of The Promise, and to Kristen Harnisch, author of The Vintner's Daughter, on being selected as Pulpwood Queens Book Club Picks!
Congratulations to Kristen Harnisch on a fabulous launch for THE VINTNER'S DAUGHTER and for her superb reviews in Booklist, Kirkus Reviews, and more!

Jessica Levine's debut novel, THE GEOMETRY OF LOVE, got a starred Booklist! They called it "An outstanding first novel"! And check out her article  on Huffington Post about books by or about unconventional women.

Congratulations to Kim Church, author of BYRD, on her fantastic press in The Minneapolis Star Tribune, The Nervous Breakdown, BLOOM, and more! 

Congratulations to Lamar Herrin for a wonderful review of FRACTURES in The Washington Post! Read the review here.
Sarah Kennedy's new book, THE KING'S SISTERS, is now available! Please visit her website to learn more! Foreword Reviews said the following of her last novel: 

“Much of a historical novel’s success lies in the author’s ability to accurately cement the story in its time and place, and Kennedy excels in this aspect with detailed descriptions of the daily life of her characters, from clothing to architecture to medicine.…It is not necessary to read the first novel in the series to enjoy this book, but those finding this their first introduction to Catherine will surely search out the first novel to spend more time with this feisty woman in her richly detailed world.”


Caitlin Hamilton Marketing & Publicity, LLC
Knoxville, TN
(865) 675-3776